Emma Cunningham
Birth Place: Lee Green, London, England, UK
Birthday:April 2, 1968
0' 0"
  • Emma Cunningham used to have "long flowing locks". The change of hairstyle to her present short, boyish style is a result of her role as Dr Gail Benson in "Medics". The production department thought that, particularly in back-of-head shots, she and co-star Teddie Thompson (Dr Alison Makin) looked too much alike. She was initially reluctant to part with her "greatest asset" but has since come to prefer her hair that way.
Naked Photos of Emma Cunningham are available at FemaleStars.com. They currently feature over 65,000 Nude Pics, Biographies, Video Clips, Articles, and Movie Reviews of famous stars.

Naked Photos of
Emma Cunningham
are available at FemaleStars.com. They currently feature over 65,000 Nude Pics, Biographies, Video Clips, Articles, and Movie Reviews of famous stars.

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