Gloria Trevi
Birth Place: Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
Birthday:February 15, 1970
0' 0"
  • Gave birth to a son, who she named Angel Gabriel in Brasilia, Brazil on February 18, 2002. The following day Brazilian authorities turned down her appeal on keeping the identity of the child's father a secret when they declared that they could store the placenta from her child's birth for future DNA testing. Brazilian official have denied that her child's birth in Brazil can prevent Trevi from being extradited to Mexico where she is wanted for child abuse charges.
  • Her album "Zapatos Viejos" went platinum in Japan and Spain.
  • Pregnant with her second child, due 2005.
Naked Photos of Gloria Trevi are available at They currently feature over 65,000 Nude Pics, Biographies, Video Clips, Articles, and Movie Reviews of famous stars.

Naked Photos of
Gloria Trevi
are available at They currently feature over 65,000 Nude Pics, Biographies, Video Clips, Articles, and Movie Reviews of famous stars.

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