Maria Furtwangler
Birth Place: Munich, Germany
Birthday:September 13, 1966
5' 7"
  • Grand-niece of the conductor Wilhelm Furtwängler
  • Her husband is CEO of the Hubert Burda Media Holding, one of the largest media companies in Germany.
  • She studied medicine and has a doctoral degree.
  • Daughter of Kathrin Ackermann
  • Niece of Florian Furtwängler
  • Son Jakob (born 1990) and daughter Elisabeth (born 1992) with Burda
  • Ranked #3 in a survey searching the most popular commissars of the "Tatort" series (2005).
  • Went to India four times to support the humanitarian organization "Ärzte für die dritte Welt" by her profession as a doctor.
  • Describes herself as extremely chaotic and absent-minded. She once forget where she parked her car and remembered the next day.
Naked Photos of Maria Furtwangler are available at They currently feature over 65,000 Nude Pics, Biographies, Video Clips, Articles, and Movie Reviews of famous stars.

Naked Photos of
Maria Furtwangler
are available at They currently feature over 65,000 Nude Pics, Biographies, Video Clips, Articles, and Movie Reviews of famous stars.

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