Nancy Allen
Birth Place: New York, New York, USA
Birthday:June 24, 1950
5' 6"
  • Her father was a policeman in New York City
  • Trained for a dancing career at the High School of Performing Arts
  • Attended Jose Quintanos School for Young Professionals
  • Nancy and her RoboCop (1987) star Peter Weller were both born on June 24th, three years apart (Nancy was born in 1950, Weller was born in 1947).
  • Her father was a police sergeant in New York and her most famous role is a policewoman named Anne Lewis.
  • Said the hardest part of filming Dressed To Kill was wearing black lingerie, which she found very uncomfortable.
  • Aunt of Eugene Allen.
  • Her then husband Brian De Palma specifically wrote the role of the hooker in "Dressed to Kill" with her in mind.
  • While filming 1941 (1979) she took part in a betting pool on when the house would collapse in the final scene of the film. Dan Akyroyd eventually won that bet.
  • Originally auditioned for the role of Carrie in Carrie (1976) while Sissy Spacek read for the role of high school bitch Chris Hargensen, but director Brian De Palma decided to have them swap roles.
  • Cousin of comedian Jim Breuer
Naked Photos of Nancy Allen are available at They currently feature over 65,000 Nude Pics, Biographies, Video Clips, Articles, and Movie Reviews of famous stars.

Naked Photos of
Nancy Allen
are available at They currently feature over 65,000 Nude Pics, Biographies, Video Clips, Articles, and Movie Reviews of famous stars.

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