Susan Pleshette
Birth Place: New York, New York, USA
Birthday:January 31, 1937
0' 0"
  • Cousin of John Pleshette.
  • December 2000 - Announced her engagement to Tom Poston, age 79. Each had starred on a Bob Newhart Show, but not at the same time - she was in the 70s version, he was in the 80s. However, Poston appeared in a recurring role on the 70s version as Bob Hartley's old friend "Peeper" and "Cliff Murdock". Pleshette also appeared on the 80s version finale that is one of the best finales of all time -- a seque between the two shows.
  • Was the producers' original choice for the role on "Catwoman" on the "Batman" (1966) TV show. When negotiations broke down, the part went to Julie Newmar, who made it her own.
  • Appeared on Broadway with Maureen Stapleton and Eli Wallach in the play "The Cold Wind and the Warm".
  • Replaced Anne Bancroft in the Broadway play "The Miracle Worker" in the role of Annie Sullivan, for which she received excellent reviews. Pleshette later toured extensively in this role.
  • Stepmother of Francesca Poston.
Naked Photos of Susan Pleshette are available at They currently feature over 65,000 Nude Pics, Biographies, Video Clips, Articles, and Movie Reviews of famous stars.

Naked Photos of
Susan Pleshette
are available at They currently feature over 65,000 Nude Pics, Biographies, Video Clips, Articles, and Movie Reviews of famous stars.

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